I started at the boat launch area to see if I could get Black Terns or Least Bitterns. Whiffed on both of those but had great looks at a pair of RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS which were probably nesting, though I didn't stick around long enough to confirm.
A big bonus at the same site was a "peet-zah!"-ing ACADIAN FLYCATCHER. Unfortunately I couldn't get a visual but the call was pretty distinctive and given multiple times.
acadian flycatcher
Then I headed over to James Rd. behind the park office to the west. Every time I've been here since May (4 times) I have seen at least one WILD TURKEY and today was no different. Also heard a couple of ORCHARD ORIOLES orchard oriole song. Not much else of note, though, so I headed down the Goldfinch Trail. Along the trail I had a nice look at an OSPREY on the platform nest.
Not the best pic but you can see the black-and-white raptor on the platform. I continued further down the path hearing regulars like FIELD SPARROW and YELLOW WARBLER, but then I heard a call that I don't hear in the summer usually, the che-BEK! che-BEK! of a LEAST FLYCATCHER call. I actually heard 2 of them calling simultaneously on opposite sides of the trail. Very cool! A few more of the regular birds and then I headed over to the Deerpath lot to walk the Deerpath Trail. As soon as I pulled in I heard the song of the CERULEAN WARBLER song. I got out of the car and tried to find the little bugger. They have this annoying habit of singing at the very tops of trees, so it's really tough to see them usually. I got lucky this time and actually got a couple of decent pics:
Love that bird! I then headed down the trail toward the grassy marsh area and heard 4 SEDGE WRENS. I got a couple of nice looks but couldn't get good pics due to overexposure from the sun.
The rest of the trip found more of the regulars but the number of AMERICAN REDSTARTS was phenomenal-12! Also good numbers of YELLOW-THROATED VIREOS (6), SCARLET TANAGERS (6), and ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKS (5).
Another great day to be birding!